‘SELFIES’ by Linda Louis  SELFIES’ want to make you giggle or grin or frown.  Selfies are the people in your life; your family, friends, the ones you see at work, on the street or in the supermarket.  As the creator, I am always surprised and delighted by the Selfie who arrives.  That’s a gigantic part of the fun.  I start with three bright border colors first …  then choose a couple of colors for skin tone, continued by roughing in cheeks, hair, nose, chin, mouth … EYES … gradually, carefully refining all the details.  Impatient to arrive, the Selfie appears.  Naming happens after each Selfie is complete.  They tell me who they are.   BACK TO ARCHIVES

Selfie Adeline

Selfie Ami

Selfie Apple

Selfie Aria

Selfie Arnie

Selfie Bear

Selfie Beau

Selfie Boris

Selfie Bruce

Selfie Buddy

Selfie Cassie

Selfie Chuck

Selfie Dorie

Selfie Edith

Selfie Flo

Selfie Genie

Selfie Gogie

Selfie Harry

Selfie Homer

Selfie Inga

Selfie Jackie

Selfie Janie

Selfie Jerry

Selfie Jon

Selfie Josh

Selfie Kai

Selfie Kaiti

Selfie Kat


Selfie Kim

Selfie Laverne

Selfie Lee

Selfie Max

Selfie Mikki

Selfie Oakie

Selfie Ollie

Selfie Riki

Selfie Rollo

Selfie Sammy

Selfie Sia

Selfie Sienna

Selfie Sosie

Selfie Stan


Selfie Stash

Selfie Sue Mai

Selfie Tasha

Selfie Truly

Selfie Tyra

Selfie Will